Road rules in Spain from EU Insurance Direct

The Summer is here and not only is the heat rising but so are the amount of hire cars on our Spanish roads and tempers too.

Also on the increase are accidents which over the last few weeks have been many.  It is imperative that you know what to do in the event of a road traffic accident.

Firstly do you have your car insurance paperwork in the car?  Do you have a Claim form (Blue and Yellow form) which needs to be completed by the roadside (whenever possible) by all involved parties and signed.  What is needed on the claim form:-

Names of Drivers, telephone numbers, Policy number and Insurer details, registration numbers of vehicles, time, date and place accident happened, details of incident indicating damage to vehicles, position on road and what happened.   This should be sent to your insurer within 7 days of the accident who will then advise you  of the next procedure.   If anyone is injured they must take themselves off to the hospital and obtain a medical report (very important not to be left till the next day).   Accidents can be a simple scratch to a total loss so you can help your insurer by making sure you give them all the necessary information to ensure your claim gets dealt with quickly.

English Accident form?   Most insurers provide only the Spanish copy of the Accident Form, you can request a copy in English from EU Insurance Direct by emailing

What do you need to keep in the car when driving in Spain:-


  • 2 x warning Triangles, as well as a spare complete set of spare bulbs, fuses, a spare wheel and the tools to replace them.


  • Drivers must wear a hi-visibility Jacket or vest when getting out of their vehicle on intercity roads.


  • If you wear glasses, you must keep a spare set in the car


  • Car Insurance documents, claim form and pen


  • Driving Licence ID and photo ID


For any information regarding your Insurance needs in Spain send us an email with your questions or queries and we will be glad to assist you and perhaps save you some money at renewal!!!

EU Insurance Direct has been on the coast for 14 years this August and has offered qualify comprehensive insurance and advice to Ex-pats all over Spain.

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